


Nuovo Prodotto

Sconti! R11e-LoRa8

LoRa miniPCI-e card for 863-870 MHz frequency (European Union, Russia, India etc)

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MikroTik is bringing you new, powerful products for LoRa® for the fraction of the cost you would expect.

R11e-LR8 is a new concentrator Gateway card for LoRa® technology in mini PCIe form factor based on Semtech SX1301 chipset. It enables LoRa® connectivity for any MikroTik product that has mPCIe slot with connected USB lines.

With the support of 8 different channels, Listen Before Talk (LBT) and spectral scan features this product will astound you with its enticing price point.

Operates in 863-870 MHz frequency (used in European Union, Russia, India etc.)

Product codeR11e-LR8

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