Sensore di corrente ACS711 per MONLAN1: +-15A
Switch 4F1G 4 ports 10/100Mb PoE + 1 port 1Gb
Power distribution unit in Rack 19" standard. Equipped with five independly managed outlets for 230V. Managment available by embeded web server or SNMP protocol. Except ethernet socket ther is 1wire socket for temperature measurement.
Power distribution unit in Rack 19" standard. Equipped with five independly managed outlets for 230V. Managment available by embeded web server or SNMP protocol. Except ethernet socket ther is 1wire socket for temperature measurement.
Terminale di divisione per 4 sensori 1wire, collegamento con fili.SPLITTER DS18B20 SENSOR FOR LAN Controller - Screw terminal
PIR sensor type HC-SR501 allows for motion detection on the basis of infrared radiation. The detector detects the change of 2 separated IR windows and the amplifier converts the signal pulse with a high logic level.
Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F is analog distance sensor using infrared light and adopt triangular method to measure distance. Thanks is not sensitive for reflectivity of the object. Can be used as proximity sensor also. Output voltage is proportional to distance to object.
Sensore di corrente ACS711EX per MONLAN1: +-31A
Gigabit POE iniector 5 ports, 7A, with management
2 x Gigabit passive POE iniector 5 ports rack managed
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